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The Benefits of Music for our Mental Health

Updated: Nov 12, 2021

But did you know there are other benefits of listening to music?

Research has shown that music improves our cognitive function.  Upbeat music improves the speed at which we think and slower music improves our memory.

Music has been shown to change our physiological reaction to stress, particularly the autonomic responses or reflex responses that happen without our conscious control.  Music helps people to recover from stress more quickly.

Another study showed that soft music and dim lights caused people to eat more slowly and therefore eat less because it takes a few minutes after eating for us to notice and feel full so when we eat more slowly that feeling of being full kicks in before we overeat.  The conclusion of this study was that music can help us to manage our weight better.

Several studies have shown that music can help relieve pain in those with chronic painful conditions like fibromyalgia, and also in people having surgery who reported less pain and anxiety as well.  In fact, in study of 7,000 patients, less pain medication was needed for people who listened to music, and even better benefits for those who could choose what music they listened to.

Classical music can improve sleep when you listen to it just before going to bed.

Like I said at the beginning, fast music can invigorate us and it has been shown to improve the effectiveness of workouts when we listen to it because the quicker pace makes us move faster.  Researchers also found that it distracts us from the discomforts of exercising like faster breathing, sweating and muscle fatigue.

If you want to improve your mood generally, it has been shown that this can be achieved by listening to music you like for two weeks.  In an extension of that, it can reduce depression and anxiety in patients suffering from neurological conditions like dementia, stroke, and Parkinson’s disease.  And the great thing about that of course is that music therapy has no negative side effects – it’s a very safe and low-risk approach to treatment.

So, if you think about it and it has been a while since you listened to your favourite tracks, maybe today is the day to tune in again.

In the Resilience Hub this week there is a new post in the Recommended Resources section with links to playlists I have created on Spotify.  The playlists are called Coaching – Reassurance, Coaching – Resilience and Coaching – Uplifting Energy.  Feel free to follow them if you are on Spotify.

Alternatively, if you play a musical instrument, pick it up if you haven’t done so in a while!

All the best,


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