You may be still worried about your own health or the health of someone close to you. You may be conscious that the virus is still out there, albeit in smaller numbers for now.
I believe everyone has the right to make their own risk assessment. I also believe you don’t have to go into great personal detail to persuade others to come around to your way of thinking. They don’t have to agree with you. They just need to know what your decision is and respect it.
It can be difficult to know what to say when you get that invitation to the big family gathering where everyone is expecting you to turn up as per-pre-Covid-usual.
So, here’s what to do.
Consider the implications of increased contact.
Reflect on what YOU want, the risk you are willing to take and what specific activities or risks you are not willing to take.
Decide now what you will say when you’re put on the spot.
For example, one response is:
“I need to keep my at-risk loved ones safe so I won’t be attending mass gatherings until there has been no new reported cases in the country for 14 days in a row. I’ll reassess then. But have a great time, tell everyone I said hello and I’d love to see the photos!”
Another is: “I’m keeping my contacts to a minimum because I need to protect my business and my clients as much as I can until we know where this pandemic is going”
It’s okay also to say “I’m still a little bit nervous. I’d like to see how we get on with the easing of restrictions before I venture out again”
Do have a think and have your preferred response ready.
In the spirit of hoping people will show us compassion …those who are ready and willing to party again probably worry they will go stir-crazy if they don’t get more human connection soon. They need their gatherings as much as others need to stay in.
Each to their own and kindness always,
Until next week, stay safe.